Are you looking for ways to optimize procedures in the elementary classroom & improve classroom management?
Look no further! In this post, we will walk through the step-by-step process of planning and establishing your elementary classroom procedures.
Creating efficient and effective classroom procedures is essential to any classroom behavior management system.
To read more about the importance of routines from the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center, click here.
Whether you’re a new teacher in need of some help to get going, or a veteran teacher looking to freshen up your classroom management-this guide is for you.
Establishing Clear and Consistent Classroom Procedures
Let’s begin by clarifying the difference between a procedure and a routine.
A procedure is how something gets done- the step by step process.
Procedures are a necessary aspect of any classroom management plan to communicate behavioral expectations.
A routine is something you do without having to think about the steps (automatic).
Planning the Procedures for An Elementary Classroom
The first step in establishing your elementary classroom procedures is to plan clear and consistent procedures.
Start by determining what classroom daily routines you will need.
Here are some classroom routines and procedures examples to think when planning:
If that list is already feeling overwhelming, that’s because it can be. Using a classroom routine checklist is a great way to ensure you don’t miss something.
Next, determine the simple steps for the routine. Break the routine into a procedure with easy to remember steps.
Questions to ask yourself for each routine:
- What will it look like?
- How quickly do you expect this routine to be completed?
- What will it sound like?
- What will the appropriate voice level be?
- Is it acceptable for students to have conversations/socialize?
- Where will the procedure take place?
- Is there ample room to allow for students to move?
- How will you manage the flow of traffic so that areas are not crowded?
Consider using a procedure and routine checklist and planning sheet to guide and organize your thoughts so when it’s time to teach, you know exactly what you want to see and hear.
Finally, determine when you will teach each procedure & add to your lesson plans.
Below are some key things to consider when determining when to teach a procedure.
- Start with procedures that students need first-entering the classroom or using the bathroom
- Add to the procedures over the next few days/weeks
- Teach procedure in the context-always teach any procedures that may go along with new activities such as getting materials out or using certain supplies
By planning clear and consistent procedures, you lay the foundation for smooth and efficient routines.
Teaching Procedures to Create Daily Classroom Routines
Once you have planned, it’s time to establish clear & consistent procedures with your students.
When introducing new procedures, follow these steps:
Step 1:Explain
Begin by sharing what the procedure is called why they are learning a procedure. Students will be more likely to buy in if they understand why the routine is important.
Next, demonstrate & narrate how to complete each step.
Remember, to be concise and use familiar language. Model the procedure step-by-step & emphasizing the desired behaviors.
Then, use visual supports such as custom made anchor chart(s) to elaborate.
Visuals in the classroom…
- Provide clear expectations of what each procedure will look and sound like.
- Support teaching of procedures by providing visual cues.
- Make review of routines quick and simple.
- Support behavior redirection.
- Assist substitutes & new students.
Grab free a copy of procedure anchor chart kit that includes headings & 84 visual cards
Students can interact with the creation of the charts by using drawings/text on sticky notes and adding to the chart.
Another option is to have students create their own mini anchor charts as you complete the larger chart for the class.
Step 2: Rehearse
Next, provide opportunities for students to rehearse the procedures.
Remember to…
- Set high expectations and stick to it
- Be consistent!
- Provide guidance with verbal prompts & visual cues (anchor charts)
- Be patient, creating routines takes time
- Give students opportunities to practice until it becomes an automatic-a routine!
- Gradually release responsibility as students become more familiar with the procedure
- If a routine doesn’t go as planned, have students redo the procedure correctly
Step 3: Reinforcement
Celebrate successes and use any challenges as learning opportunities to revisit and reinforce the procedures. A class reward system is my favorite way to build this into the day.
By teaching & practicing procedures, you help students internalize the expected behaviors & develop independence and responsibility in the classroom.
Monitoring and Reinforcing Procedures
Establishing classroom procedures is not a one-time event, but a process. It is important to monitor & reinforce these procedures to ensure consistency & effectiveness.
Here are some strategies for monitoring and reinforcing classroom procedures:
1. Observations with Feedback:Observe your students during various procedures. Provide immediate feedback & reinforcement when procedures are followed successfully.
2. Self-Assessment: Encourage students to reflect on their own behavior to help develop self-awareness & take ownership of their actions.
3. Peer Accountability: Encourage students to hold each other accountable for following classroom procedures.
4. Review: Remind students of the expectations regularly, & review procedures after returning from school breaks. This can be done during morning meetings & transition times. Review procedures verbally, visually (use anchor charts), or through role play activities.
5. Adjust and Modify: Continuously assess the effectiveness of your classroom procedures & make adjustments as needed. Identify areas that may need improvement or modification.
By monitoring & reinforcing classroom procedures, you create a consistent and supportive classroom.
The Benefits of Well-Organized Procedures
Organizing & optimizing your elementary classroom procedures is a critical aspect of effective classroom management.
By setting clear expectations for classroom procedures, you create a structured & proactive classroom where teachers & students thrive.
Whether you are a new teacher seeking guidance or a seasoned educator looking for fresh ideas, implementing these strategies will help you create consistent routines.